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Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Fog of Nationalism


We have witnessed the United Kingdom literally tank its economy, as it voted to exit the European Union, a group of nations that made trade, employment, and many other factors much easier to maneuver through the continent. Whatever the reason, being immigration, racism, islamophobia, nationalistic pride under the shadows of Trump, or just simply disliking the notion that other countries dictate some of the policies of England, the United Kingdom voted to leave the union, say no to millions of pounds per week, and send the value of its currency on a downward spiral. Similar to Trump supporters it is silly to argue that everyone in favor of exiting are racist or awkwardly nationalist, but the idea was founded on nationalism pride, this supposed stance that England is losing its identity.

The stock market managed to claw back within the same 24 hours, but that was only after investors poured their heart and soul to diminish the bleeding. The damage is done, we’re not sure what happens to England from now on, especially since they won’t be depending on the European Union anymore. They’ve already dipped in the global standings. And a major part of this is because of the fears that the borders have been left too open. And their scenario is far different from the American scenario, but the curious debate about immigration lingers.

Like England and some of the European Union, we’ve seen an influx of immigrants traveling to safer lands in desperate hopes of a better life---and some from within Europe (even within the Union itself) as opposed to the more notorious areas. As the world became smaller, the scattering of refugees has become a major part of the population movement. The Middle East is in shambles, as it continues being a war torn area full of terrorist groups, uncertainty, and struggling economy. The Israel/Palestine conflict seems to become a daily tragedy, Libya is a disaster, and nations like Iraq and Afghanistan cannot go a month without a major attack. And then in a smaller scale, we’ve seen Poland and Spain losing citizens in favor of England. And let’s not forget the issues of Greece.

My curiosity is sparked: how much of this immigration control is race-related? How much of it is entrenched in phobia? And how much of it is legit concern over the well being of the country? Unlike Radical Republican America blaming their current issues on Mexican immigrants (despite it being only 28% of all American immigrants), United Kingdom is seeing millions of people pouring in from different corners because of the Union, because it has the stronger economy, and because of reputation. They might have a point.


Germany receives more people, by a lot too. As a matter of fact the only country that receives more immigrants than Germany is the United States, and sometimes Russia. In 2015, Germany declared itself as an immigration country, openly and politely accepting pretty much anybody willing to move there. If you are part of the EU, then it’s your right to seek employment there. If you aren’t in the EU, as long as you are a skilled worker (university degree/years of experience) or at least working towards becoming a skilled worker you have the opportunity to enter and ultimately become a German citizen.

Now, I might be simplifying things (most likely simplifying things), but this is what I see: similar minimal requirements, same amount of opportunity, same freedom to roam, and an economy that is the strongest in the European Union despite receiving more immigrants than the United Kingdom. I don’t see Germany wanting to drop out of the Union at all. As a matter of fact, Germany has become an even stronger country because of immigration—legal and/or illegal. Opening the borders has given the nation an opportunity for the German name to be a stronger global brand, a stronger global power and presence. AND the German unemployment rate is much smaller (4.2%, 5 points under the European Union average). So what am I missing?

Why is it an issue in England and the United States, when Germany has embraced it and has benefited from the inclusion? Germany has even promised free college education for anyone that enters the country for crying out loud. So what am I missing England? What is the excuse? Why hasn’t it worked for you?

The problem is Nationalism is overcoming and overpowering the desire to limit foreigners from entering and seeking the same opportunities, and it’s disgusting. England has become Republican America by waving its flag and claiming a country that already belongs to them. They exited a profitable and peaceful European Union in favor of being in charge towards what to do with their borders and their country, when it wasn’t an issue 5, 10, 15 years ago---and it might cost them dearly. Their pound has already dropped to its lowest since the 1960s, and won’t get the weekly payout it used to get unless the EU becomes sympathetic.

The United States is at risk of veering down the same path, using their nationistic pride to drown out the bigger issues plaguing the borders within: ridiculous education system, big business damaging the economic structure of the country, a Washington that has recently become even more disruptive because a black man became president, this Civil War-like viewpoint towards the two political parties, a surge in racism, a surge in gun violence (USA is #1 year in and year out on that category), a dumbfounding gender war (with a lax rape culture that feels straight out of the 1800s) and rising living costs. But fine, let’s just blame the Mexicans and claim that we are “losing our country,” as opposed to the hundreds of large businesses throwing their jobs overseas.

We are ignoring screams of help from a conflict that Americans helped create.

Yes, it’s time to go there: The United States and England is partially responsible for the rise of terrorism because they continuously plant their presence and their flag towards unwanted and ungrateful territory. Yes, we have to face the elephant in the room. Not saying all terrorism would be eliminated from this country and from the other nations (because homegrown terrorism exists) but whenever you dig in other lands you create enemies. We are seeing an area that is not enjoying the appearance of other countries (and not in an immigration sense either), and this has been going on since Bush. The Middle East is seeing thousands of its citizens dying in the crosshairs of warfare from America and the rebels that scatter the area.

What did you think would happen when you decided to suddenly invade Afghanistan and Iraq? What did you think would happen once you started throwing bombs left and right to defeat terrorism? You think you won’t get any innocent casualties? You think there won’t be saddened people and towns vowing revenge? ISIS was founded during the Iraq War, taking advantage of shell-shocked citizens watching their homes go up in smoke. And I don’t condone the actions of any terrorist whatsoever, but their origin story is connected to American involvement in the Middle East whether you like it or not. Whether you agreed with the Iraq War or not, it accidentally created the most hated terrorist group in the planet.

So now we see an America that is willing to head out thousands of miles to start crap for years, and then not be willing to accept the victims of their consequences. And the truth is, the United States should be prouder and more open towards the idea of so many people wanting to enter and become American citizens. Let’s be honest, nobody comes into the country with the full intent of becoming illegal and with the intent of changing everything American. If there was an easier system to becoming an official citizen with the ability to vote and qualify for a variety of the American perks then you’d see a total spike in entrants. If the nations America helped destabilize would recover then you wouldn’t see any many battered souls seeking a new life.

You think Mexicans want to leave Mexico? No, it is a beautiful country with layers of culture and personality---but most times they have to go. You think the Middle Eastern families want to fully abandon the only land they know? No, but there’s nothing left. That is the sad reality. The Drug War has secretly murdered tens of thousands of Mexicans with the help of the NRA, the American Drug Trade, and America’s refusal to even attempt to help their neighbors to the south. You think the millions of Puerto Ricans leaving the impoverished island want to flock to Florida? No, but sometimes in life you don’t have a choice. America isn’t their favorite option, it’s their best option. Have you seen Puerto Rico? Outside of its political and economical issues, the place is absolutely gorgeous.

The United States has a responsibility to help those in need, and help those that have been affected by the decisions made in the United States within the past decade. The United States just needs to pull out of the Middle East entirely and focus on defending and improving their soil while simultaneously being more sympathetic towards those in dire need of help. As a supposed-Christian nation, this is what we should be doing, opening our doors to help, embracing the emotionally scarred, and showing why at the end of the day America is one of the better nations to join. You want to be proud of your flag? Then be willing to share this flag with others, period.

The United Kingdom needs to also pay for its colonizing ways. It still has territory all over the world, so it’s rather ironic that they want to close the borders when they’ve invaded the borders of other nations for the past forever. But this isn’t on the great citizens, but they need to duplicate the actions of Germany and find a way to continue to receive immigrants in search of a better life while trying to solve the issues of unemployment and a deteriorating middle class. People coming in with nothing except the clothes on their back cannot be the blame.

Immigration doesn’t link or lead to crime and overall poverty—and Germany is an outstanding example. And if you want another example, let’s use France, Canada and Australia---with a whopping 20% immigration rate on the latter two nations and all 3 ranking among the best in overall economy in the planet. We need to drop the Nationalism and realize that we are lucky nations to not have been fully tainted—unlike Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and Libya which need decades of help to try to prosper once again.

Our problems are apparent but not unsolvable. Our issues are existent but not erasable. We need to drop the guns, and open our arms to embrace. Once collectively we start helping others then we can achieve the goals of a safer, more open, and friendlier world that still has so much to offer. Love trumps hate every single time, but under the shadows of Trump, the Trump Supremacy fandom that has gotten far too big, Nationalism, Phobias, and refusals to accept responsibility for some of the larger issues plaguing the continents, we can’t solve anything. Hate will cloud the real problems, and will destroy you in a heartbeat. Look how fast the economy dipped after an emotional vote. And this is just the beginning.

Brexit is an ugly example of what might happen to America. Don’t let this happen.

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