So with the referee incident finally under the bridge after the ridiculous MNF disaster, the next question revolves around why the NFL has taken so long to work out this deal that would cost them a few pretty pennies and would barely cause a dent in the financial situation of the entire league and the owners. Why? Why would the NFL do this? Why?

It is extremely simple: The NFL is nothing but pure evil.
Roger Goodell is nothing but pure evil. In the past decade we have seen the NFL transform into a monster that cares nothing more than to make more money off the consumers while do its very best not to share its earnings with anybody else. When this lockout happened I wasn’t surprised, I wasn’t fazed. As a gamer I was able to see the evil far before the rest of mainstream America caught up.

Want the evidence? EA through an evil deal got the NFL rights so that nobody else could make football games---which means EA didn’t have to try as hard to making a decent product and it also meant that the NFL can directly influence just one company in the gaming industry. So what happens now? The NFL gets a nice paycheck from EA, EA becomes the only money-maker in the football gaming industry, and all of us gamers suffer as we see the likes of NFL Gameday, NFL Blitz (It supposedly made a comeback but we all know this is bullspit), and especially NFL 2K fade into oblivion. I wrote about this years ago, and it predates the rapid quality decline of being an NFL fan.
Want more evidence? The NFL didn’t do jack diddly squat about the issue concerning concussions and post-career dilemmas until the lawsuits came flying in. The league was perfectly fine in kicking back while watching ex-player after ex-player fade into nothingness financially, emotionally, and physically. The suicides had been occurring, the lifespan of football players had been depleting rapidly. But none of this really came into light until players starting suing the league. Now, granted these lawsuits are rather dumb (the sport has been notoriously violent since the 1930s, when people were dying over football-related injuries) but the threat of losing money perturbs the league into forcing itself to pretend like they give a darn about the high mortality rate amongst former players entering the mid-life crisis cycle.
Want more evidence? The Baltimore Ravens just played 4 games in a span of 17 days. Ten years ago this would have never happened. Now, in order to appeal to the digital/extra channel world of television, the NFL Network receivers get treated to games the rest of cable-trapped America can’t gain access to. Now, there are games on Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays, with a few Saturdays most likely mixed in later in the season. The Thursday games used to just be a post-Thanksgiving tradition. Now, it’s a weekly feature, resulting in teams playing more games in less time—more often the more successful teams. Isn’t it great to be tortured because you make more money for the league?

Want to continue? The NFL continues its truly madly deeply evil blackout policy that punishes entire television markets just because the home games don’t sell out. Its not enough that the NFL does receive better attendance numbers than any other league, they want to sell out every single freakin’ game despite the economy remaining in the deep end in the past half-decade. Thanks to the NFL, I can’t watch a single Dolphins game on television this entire season. Instead, I get to see the Jaguars----on the road.
So, with the fake caring for player safety, destruction of competition in the gaming industry, continuing despicable blackout policy that layers upon layers worse than any other professional league, and now limiting even more games from the prime time public, why are you all shocked that the NFL stooped this low to risking player safety and the integrity of the league over a few extra dollars? If it honestly wasn’t for the pure Monday Night Football disaster that was the finish of the Packers-Seahawks game, I can sure as hell guarantee you those replacements would still be out there on the field.
And the worst part? The NFL audience will just sit there and take the abuse because we are incapable as a nation to survive a few weeks without football. Until we can learn to band together and truly fight the system, the NFL will continue to screw with our emotions and screw around with the integrity of the sport of football.
I will repeat this again: The NFL is nothing but pure evil.
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