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Friday, February 5, 2016

The Duo that has Shaken the 2016 Presidential Election

A tale of two radical presidential candidates conquering the headlines of the upcoming election.

On this corner, you have a successful northeastern entrepreneur that has held ties with WWE, NBC, and every facet of business you can think of. He has wealth far beyond the eye can see, and has used his connections solely to be able to make a good run towards a potential presidential nomination. With no political experience whatsoever, he has won over Midwestern America with his rock star persona, uncut approach, and inability to sound like the average politician. Most people with his personality would have stumbled out of the gate gunning for president, but his 15 minutes of political fame has seemingly been extended to 30.

On this corner we have a politician from Vermont who came out of practically nowhere and has split the Democratic field in half, while trampling everyone else not named Hillary along the way (Poor Martin O’Malley). Being neck and neck against a Clinton without major supporters but instead a rising army of millennials and 20-somethings is quite a daunting surprise, even more so that he is managing this without directly attacking any of the competitors.

Both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are making great strides, won’t be going away for a while, and this scares both political parties.

The Republicans know that if Trump wins, they will be destroyed in the main election, and it won’t even be close. There’s no chance he could win California, New York, Florida, or even Illinois. He has upset far too many groups, especially the Hispanic crowd (mainly the Mexicans, which dominate the Hispanic population in the U.S) and women overall. The Republican Party knows this, and would much rather roll the dice with Ted Cruz or even Rubio. That being said, the popular votes is still keeping Trump around. Trump would lose against Sanders, and would be destroyed by Clinton.

The Democrats have secretly been plumping up the Hillary Clinton campaign since the tailend of Obama’s second term. They have pretty much set all their sights on Clinton, as the Dems love that name almost as much as the Republicans love Reagan. They weren’t anticipating the youngster wave of support for Sanders, and weren’t anticipating the white democrat voters flocking to him as well. Sanders definitely has a long way to go, especially with minorities, but the damage has already been done. The momentum of Hillary that began under the Obama administration has grinded to a halt. And if Sanders takes the nomination, except a hellish fight with Wall Street and the 1% as he battles to try to improve the middle class.

Odds are, both Trump and Bernie will fade out as the races heat up. Hillary Clinton has far too much support from the Obama fans and people that remember the 90s (Honestly, that last name adds a lot of votes). And on the other side, there’s no way the rest of America can fall for the idiotic shtick of Trump. Ultimately the politics will even itself out.

But both parties are still quite, quite nervous.

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