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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Debate That Shouldn't Even Be a Debate

I will never understand the gun control issue.

This should not even be a debate.

We are not trying to ban all the guns, we are not marching to your door to strip them from your families. We aren’t drowning all your precious weapons by tossing them into the ocean. The only thing it sounds like we are trying to do, is making sure that we are safer while living in a society that accepts and loves their firearms. We are merely trying to make it harder for people that are mentally disabled, disgruntled, or just plain evil from obtaining weapons to use on innocent lives. That is it. What is the big issue?

We are not enforcing a shutdown on gun sales. We are not trying to limit anything. We just want to make the procedure a little bit tighter so fewer monsters can slip through the cracks and craft a deadly attack. We want less bad people having full access to weapons. To say this is a non-issue is absolutely silly, after all the United States has seen an increase in mass shootings and they have been becoming quite gruesome. Sandy Hook should still shake your soul considering that dozens of children couldn’t reach puberty because of an emotional prick.

The United States doesn’t deserve to moan about gun control simply because we collectively as a society have lost the right to freely just purchase a weapon. Although we are nowhere near as violent as the Middle East, we are still way ahead of the pack of civilized nations in terms of gun violence. Whether its suicides, murders, mass shootings, gang shootings, or accidental shootings by toddlers (which was an unfathomable 40+ incidents in 2015), the gun violence is at a high level and needs to cool off a bit.

The fact that we haven’t done much of anything since Sandy Hook is just a really unfortunate thing. After that terrible, terrible day, something has to be done. I am not asking for much: stricter background checks, banning of certain assault rifles (because seriously, you don’t need assault rifles unless you live in a warzone).

I am perfectly fine with people owning guns, I don’t fear them as long as they aren’t causing any problems. The truth is however we need to make this country safer in terms of gun violence. Being a stick in the mud and complaining that criminals will still kill is a silly argument. Under that logic, we should never lock our doors because criminals will rob you anyway. In terms of fighting crime, every little bit helps, plain and simple. This should be a non-issue. We need to work together on this, and try to reduce the crime. If you don't see a problem with the way things are right now, you are part of the problem.

Don’t ban guns completely, but go through the proper screenings and classes before buying one. Period.

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