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Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Nintendo Version of the Playstation Now That Needs to Happen---------Now

Imagine having the ability to play any of these games, at any time, for a monthly fee. Would you pay it? Nintendo, you need a channel. Your very own channel. Not the weak Wii variation, a legitimate one. 

The Nintendo Network needs to happen. Not in the future, not in the distant future, but as soon as humanely possible. Look at Sony’s incredible Playstation Now and Playstation TV and tell me you couldn’t 1-up that (see what I did there?) An online gaming/television channel dedicated to all things Nintendo should not only become the future, but would possibly be the biggest reason to purchase the next Nintendo system. Never mind the obvious improved specs, never mind whatever fun surprises are packed in the future console, and never mind whatever potential improvements from the WiiU might (and should) occur. We need this Network to exist, for the sake of the company, and for the sake of the suffering fanbase.

Nintendo, meet Netflix. Now, copy Netflix and add your own flair. Sidenote: I can see a nice partnership occur there, similar to the recent Universal/Nintendo combination happening to the theme parks.

Can you imagine an online function that allows you to enter a special channel that not only features cartoons based off of Nintendo properties (the list is much bigger than you may assume---two Super Mario cartoons, Donkey Kong Country, Kirby (not exactly a fan favorite), Pokemon, Zelda (..well...), the unknown F-Zero anime, Fire Emblem, among others), but features cartoons from other franchises in Nintendo systems (Earthworm Jim, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mega Man)? This would also be the perfect platform for future television shows with the Nintendo brand: like the rumored Zelda action series and perhaps maybe a few reboots like Mario, Kirby, and (I am begging this happens soon) Pokemon (Tired of Ash….)

With this channel, you can also view special videos and trailers of upcoming video games, view the Nintendo Direct presentations of past and present, view tournament results of Nintendo games (Continuing the revived concept of the Nintendo World Championships), view popular online battles of Smash Brothers matches, and perhaps even see some user-generated content. The Nintendo Network is the perfect way to link the company with the gamer, by throwing plenty of hidden goodies as well as plenty of Nintendo-based media. The Nintendo Network would be a perfect way to stream E3 shenanigans when the daily event occurs. So yea, picture a mix of Netflix with YouTube----with some Playstation Now thrown in.

Now, the big kicker is coming. How about on this channel you also have access to the multitude of NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, and Wii games that had been available over the years? How about with a monthly or quarterly subscription, you have full, unadulterated access to all the classics and masterpieces that had graced the Nintendo systems (and handhelds---let’s not forget those GB, GBC, GBA, DS gems) over the decades. Although the Playstation Now will always have the quantity advantage thanks to its entourage of third-party relationships, there’s no way you can turn down the chance to limitless play of all Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Metroid, Earthbound (Yes, I want the imports of Nintendo games too) classics released within the entire history of Nintendo. No freakin’ way.

Nintendo, turning on your Nintendo NX (name-pending) and while awaiting the next big game you turn to the Nintendo Network and play some throwback Super Mario 64 or some throwback Super Mario RPG is the perfect way to hold any dedicated gamer over until the next major release. You can even step it up to the next level and offer online play of certain classics. I would give an arm and a leg to play some Block Fort Mario Kart 64 with people around the world---honestly the only thing that game needs is some technical cleaning and it’s golden. Who would say no to the chance to play some online Smash Brothers Melee in the Nintendo Network? Who would say no for the chance to play some Tetris Attack and try to claim the World Record that can be accessed on the channel at any time?

Honestly, a $20 a month charge for playing amongst hundreds of Nintendo games within the eight generations of gaming would be a system-seller, let alone a resounding success. It gives new fans the perfect opportunity to play some games that had slipped underneath their radar over the years. Do remember that Eternal Darkness, one of the most mature (and entertaining) Nintendo games this millennium, couldn’t even pass a million in sales. So even though some might complain that Nintendo is charging for all these old games, do recall that there are millions of gamers that have not played any of these titles. It’s nearly the equivalent of hundreds of brand new titles for new Nintendo owners. Otherwise, it’s like having your own personal collection of dozens of classic titles at your fingertips.

Get this done, Nintendo. This should be your future, your focus should be mainly and purely on getting your fans back and being as close to them as possible. The Nintendo Network is the perfect way to reward your fanbase as well as remain in close contact with them by offering unlimited gaming, while simultaneously throwing tons of fun content on a consistent basis while we await the next major game. This would be the perfect way to add life to your franchises that have whether been dormant or been weakened by lack of games or lack of interest.

Let’s be truthful here, the third-party aspect of Nintendo consoles is nearly dead. Nintendo needs to do all the work in making their future systems marketable and profitable. Creating the Nintendo equivalent of a Playstation Now feature would be a major, major step forward. Whether by creating a nice partnership with Netflix, Amazon, or maybe even YouTube, or by making this from scratch by themselves, I can see nothing but resounding success from a channel that allows you to play, sample, watch, and experience the past, present, and future of Nintendo. The Nintendo Network might currently be a pipe dream, but it should honestly be a reality that’s inches away.

Make it happen Nintendo. Now.

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