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Monday, April 7, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier: 8/10

How can any Marvel movie match up to The Avengers? Similar to what happened to the quality value of The Expendables franchise after the Indonesian bloodbath funfest The Raid totally rewrote the rules on how to film and execute an action movie, The Avengers became the pinnacle of Marvel films simply because of all the superheroes involved and the sheer scope of the comic book mayhem. Overall it knocked down the standalone Marvel movies and even the Batman movies a few notches. Let's be honest, the Nolan Batman trilogy would have overall ranked to just above Spider-Man level if it had not been for The Dark Knight's Joker.

How can Iron Man 3, Thor 2, and Captain America 2 possibly live up to The Avengers when it features each of these heroes AND more? Well, Captain America: The Winter Soldier succeeds by providing a deep plot, plenty of action, and an ability to take some gambles that will have ramifications within the cinematic Marvel universe. Lastly, menacing villains that doesn't involve ripping the hearts of comic book fans (a.k.a. The Mandarin in Iron Man 3) is always an added bonus.

In the mix of heroes, Captain America is the most likable and also the most relatable because of his sheer commitment to keeping the American public safe while also being wary of the 21st century techniques of keeping the nation out of harm's way. But adding to the mix are The Falcon and Black Widow, two also very supportable characters (Helps to have Scarlett Johansson and Anthony Mackie) with similar goals, even though Black Widow's intentions can become muddy. All three are wrapped in a story that involves decades of betrayal, dark secrets, and politics behind staying one step ahead of domestic, foreign, and intergalactic terrorism. With a script that hits close to home, this is easily the best-written of the Marvel films thanks to Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely.

Tying in all the plot twists and surprises are well-executed action sequences that rely very little on CGI (well, up until the big climax) and depend more on excellent stunts, clever editing, and great direction (Special props to the Russo Brothers). The chases are fun, the shootouts are intense, and the hand-to-hand combat is leagues above the normal comic book movie. Instead of one overarching villain, we have multiple enemies fighting in the front lines and behind the scenes, increasing the tension throughout the movie---especially in the breathtaking final act.

Bottom Line: Captain America: The Winter Soldier is the best of the standalone Marvel movies since the original Iron Man because its plot and themes hit close to the heart, the action is relentless, it never becomes too predictable, the acting is great, and the blend of political thriller gives it a special taint you usually don't find in comic book films. It is entertaining, thought-provoking, and intriguing from start to finish. Like your best Marvel comic books, it has plenty of heroes, plenty of enemies, and never wears out its welcome. Bring on Avengers 2, because the Disney/Marvel brand is definitely going in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. It's an exhilarating superhero picture that is sure to grab your attention from start to finish. Good review.
