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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Egregious Republican-Approved Government Shutdown

Republicans, what on earth is wrong with you?


The entire government is shut down. The ENTIRE GOVERNMENT IS SHUT DOWN! Don’t you get it? Do you not understand? THERE IS NO GOVERNMENT---currently.

One of the most populated nations in the entire planet currently has no government, as the Republicans and the Democrats have reached an impasse that has resulted in politicians making money but not working. The Republicans have banded together and created the first shutdown since the 90s when Bill Clinton was at the helm. And why do you ask is this happening?

Obamacare. No other reason. No war, no corruption, no deadly devastating secrets unveiling itself. Just, Obamacare.

A law that is only trying to provide health care to everybody, especially those who in a normal day couldn’t afford it. This law doesn’t discriminate, doesn’t downplay anybody, and doesn’t attempt to kill anything built by the offended Republicans. This law is only trying to improve the society as a whole by providing assistance when your health goes south.

I understand that Republicans may not agree with it, and I can respect that. I honestly can. But this is not worth shutting down the government, not worth the lack of pay to the citizens who rely on the government for said pay, and not worth the shutting down of several programs that rely on the White House functioning like a normal government to get work done.

If the Republicans really honestly wanted to find a solution, then they would attempt to actually work with the law as opposed to throwing every single dirty tactic in the book to prevent the entire damn thing from existing. Is Obamacare perfect? Of course not, it could use a little fixing, but it still has the right idea. It is a great idea, even if the law isn’t perfect. But why not actually work and attempt to adjust the law as opposed to…you know…attempting to pass heinous changes that limit the law’s scope to begin with and shutting down the government when you don’t get what you want.

If Romney had won, had taken this plan, made a few changes, and changed the name, then this shutdown would have never happened. They would have praised this law as a major change in American history. And newsflash, there is a slight version of Obamacare in Massachusetts headed by guesss whoooooOOOOOOOOOooooooooo?

But, since its Barack Hussein Obama, the dark-skinned terrorist-sounding socialist that is attempting to ruin America, Republicans will throw America under the bus to practically seek redemption for their stunning and bitter loss in the election in 2012—when it seemed certain that Obama was going to lose. Republicans (Not ALL of you, just talking about the folks in the White House) has yet to recover mentally from the loss, and this is one of their rebellious efforts to thrash Obama’s legacy to the ground now that our current president is a lock until 2016.

The issue here is plain and simple: Republicans hate Obama. They hate everything he does. Once upon a time Republicans rejected a bill giving extra aid (Read this correctly please) to first responders of the September 11th attacks mainly because Obama issued it.

My anger is not that Republicans oppose the law, my anger is the lengths that they will sink to make the bill look bad, and some of their decisions really hurt millions of Americans--including the current predicament at hand.

End this nonsense. And deep down both parties are at fault. Democrats, please open up a little more towards finding a solution to this issue that is costing us 150 million each day, and is preventing millions from actually working and getting a paycheck. But you Republicans in the White House, stop being such dicks, open your minds, open your cold-blooded hearts, accept your 2012 loss, end the unnecessary and ill-timed shutdown and attempt to make take this law and blossom it into something that America can utilize.

“A house divided against itself cannot stand”

Abraham Lincoln. Republican.

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