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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Milking Pixar Classics......again.

Finding Nemo 2?

What is this movie going to be called Pixar? Finding Nemo Again? Relocating Nemo? Finding Marlin? Finding Dory? Forgetting Dory? Finding Bruce? Let’s be serious here, why on earth are we re-opening this story? Pixar’s obsession with sequels and prequels recently is leading to yet another installment to a movie that didn’t ask for one---along with Cars and Monster’s Inc---and rumor has it Toy Story.

Andrew Stanton has confirmed that his next project is going to be the sequel to the mega blockbuster masterpiece that only remains one of Pixar’s biggest success stories, but also one of the best animated films of all-time. However, not all excellent movies inquire a sequel. Can you honestly imagine a Shawshank Redemption 2? Pulp Fiction 2? Fight Club 2? City of God 2? I certainly could not, and I have no idea how and why they would continue a story that already contained an excellent ending.

What happened to originality? Whatever happened to creative stories? And on one hand we are spoiled because it took 4 years before Pixar created their first sequel, and then it was another 11 years before we received another one. But, between 2010 and 2016, we will have 3 sequels and one prequel, with a potential fourth one lingering about (Toy Story 4).

Pixar to the animation and film majors was our one shining light as they took major risks, gambled with some potentially financially disastrous projects for the sake of pushing the medium to new heights (Wall-E, especially Ratatouille). While Dreamworks, Sony, and Blue Sky milk franchises straight down to the ground, Pixar had always been there with an original story right around the corner. For every Dreamworks gem, Pixar has 3-4 of them. Not a single computer animated studio has yet to top Toy Story 1-3, Finding Nemo, Up, Ratatouille, and The Incredibles. But it becomes like an act of betrayal when we hear of yet another Pixar sequel in the works. They used to take pride in their original tales...but are slowly drifting away from its usual approach to filmmaking.

Then again, maybe it will be--stop it, stop it!! We found Nemo already!! Don't continue that story!!!

Please, no more sequels. Toy Story's sequels were good and all, but does it really justify milking other franchises from the past on a near-consistent basis all of a sudden? We want more Up and Brave as opposed to Cars 2.

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