Now we have a Space Force.
Under the latest episode of Trump’s Vision of America, we see Donald Trump demanding that we spend even more money on an already massive-budgeted military to create a section that will be devoted solely to defending…space. It was as if he saw Independence Day and felt inspired. Let’s also bring up the fact that NASA and the Air Force freakin’ exists and destroys the need to toss even more money into an overbloated military. But whatever, his remaining fans and supporters will eat it up, and the fellow Republicans in the KWhite KKHouse are too scared to make a move or stand up to him in fears that they will lose everything in November. Instead lately they have gone after the usual Democratic suspects and Bernie’s politically attractive connections, including the feisty Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
But they won’t touch Trump, because the orange man has created this image of America that the fanbase is enjoying every minute of. This “new” America is actually a return to the America that your
Baby Boomers and elderly grew up loving.
The Wild Wild West America.
The We Don’t Need Government America.
The Us Versus Them America.
The Independent America.
The White Jesus America.
The Bully America that took out the Nazis and stared down the Soviets. Mainly, we are back to the Manifest Destiny America that whitewashes history, and paints the country as a global force to be reckoned with and an example as to what every country should strive to become. Everyone wants to be America, and under Trump, these fans believe that the world is being reminded of this.
This America is looked at personally by God, and He has chosen their leader, which is someone who looks talk and talks tough. This man, chosen by God, never compromises, never listens, does what he believes regardless of the obvious consequences. This man, chosen by God, has been met with success from the very beginning and after all the exposure and riches, he has decided to spend the next few years altering the America that made him rich. This is a man’s man, this is the hero that the heart of America, that old-school America, had been begging for since Reagan graced their televisions decades after gracing the black-and-white movie screens. This is the man that works above the government, not for them. This is the man that loves women, loves money, and loves his fellow kclansmen. Donald Trump is the new John Wayne; American from hair to shoes.
These fans of his, they didn’t like the previous man. That previous man spoke eloquently and effortlessly as if he was above them. This previous man would on behalf of America would apologize for previous forgotten-by-the-Southern-history-books actions that had decimated other nations. This previous leader spoke about equality, spoke about learning lessons of previous mistakes and trying to improve upon them. What mistakes though? This is America. America doesn’t make mistakes, ever. America doesn’t apologize. And America ESPECIALLY would never ever attempt to help those that appear too weak or unwilling to help themselves. My money has to pay for their health? Maybe they should stop being so sick. Pay for their education? Maybe they should get better grades and develop better connections.
This previous leader is a byproduct of when America stopped being Manifest Destiny America and first faced its harshest of sins. This previous leader’s origins can be traced in a way that resembles the very same slave trade that created the first major and most impactful division in the history of the great nation. This previous leader was a consequence of America’s cavalier actions, and between him and his wife they made note to remind everyone to not just celebrate where they are, but remember the rocky roads taken to get there. The heart of America struggled in accepting this, and whenever the brothers of this previous leader were being mistreated and profiled throughout the great nation, they struggled in acknowledging the imbalance.
Suddenly, the America they grew up loving and believing in, was being exposed by a leader that was determined to correct the actions of the past---whether it be the banks or the chains and ropes. America shouldn’t ever be exposed, it should always be embraced. Celebrate winning World War 2, don’t bring up slavery. Celebrate killing Bin Laden, don’t bring up the Civil Rights Movement. Celebrate the successful immigrants from Europe, but don’t expect us to suddenly accept the Hispanic immigrants of today. Bring up New York, don’t bring up Flint. We are a God-fearing nation, don’t bring up Allah, or worse, the lack of a God entirely. Jesus is white. Every president of this great nation has been white. Now all of a sudden white is a problem? What happened?
No way we could continue going down this path, whether it’s him……or her…so we needed to spread the word, whether its truth or reality. Whatever words and actions it takes to revert things back to how they were; winning without remorse. The rumors needed to be spread, the children and grandchildren needed to know the truth, and needed to be shielded from the ugly, for this great nation is too beautiful to be tainted by things like its own history. There's never a need to see America from the viewpoint of the Native Americans.
Donald Trump is now here, and is righting the righteous ship. The president now is a proud white man that speaks directly to the crowd, even if not all the words can be supported, even if some of these words are fibs. The president wants the largest military, wants to have all the best deals, and wants to ensure that everyone follows by the rules that were not followed or enforced back when the country was first expanding. Us against Them. Us against Europe. Us against the Media. So we need a Space Force so we can oversee the planet and make sure that we remain on top. This is what America voted for, an America that doesn’t apologize, that doesn’t compromise. America can only be great again by removing what semblance of equality was created by the previous man.
We are America, Goddamnit. We don’t bow to anyone, no matter what the cost. Us versus them, and by them it nowadays might mean Hispanics, Democrats, Californians, Europeans, Artists, Muslims, Canadians, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Central Americans, Koreans, Chinese, Australians, Palestinians, and anybody else that dares bring up the potential fact that America is flawed or that during its rise, pushed down nearly every country in the Western Hemisphere along the way. Can’t apologize for wanting to be number one. Doesn’t matter what lives have been lost or damaged, we are too busy being America. So build that space force, and screw those in need, even if we can afford to help them.
And they will remain standing for Trump and the flag, even if it means everything else collapsing around them, for that is the price for being the America that they want to be.